Fractured Boot Cinema – Janes Gärttner
30.04-20.05.21 (Window Installation)
Kreuzberg Pavillon, Berlin
Text: Heiko Pfreundt
Fractured Boot Cinema is a nested object standing on a high heel – a shoe cinema, whose transformation occurred in parallel with the rapid rise of provisional test centers in Berlin, formerly clubs, bars and betting arenas. Out of the darkness, paint-splattered transparent tubes emerge, connecting the mouths and eye sockets of several plaster masks on one side and hanging like loosened shoelaces from the eyelets of a massive boot shaft on the other. Between his painterly, performative artistic practice and the animated digital renderings of his objects, Janes Gärttner creates a multiplex web of diverse, parallel relationships in the micro and macro realms. The dry ice fog, which at times enters the space and simultaneously escapes from the openings of his filmed objects like a breath of its own, provides these analog-digital relationships with something dislocal, a dispersion, a non-locality that lies behind the divided red curtain to the street.